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Red Cabbage Beetroot & Ginger Sauerkraut

This simple sauerkraut recipe also combines beetroot and ginger to add a sweet and spicy flavour to otherwise boring cabbage.


5 cups of finely sliced cabbage
(I prefer a red cabbage as it is slightly peppery and contains more antioxidants)

1 large beetroot grated or julienned

2 Tbspns of grated ginger

2 tps celtic sea salt

1 x 500gm glass jar


    1. Firstly make sure you sterilise your glass jar and lid with boiling water. It should be completely dry before adding the sauerkraut mixture to avoid contamination.

    2. Transfer the chopped red cabbage to a large bowl with plenty of space for you to get your hands in and mix it around. Leave your beets and ginger to the side for now.

    3. Add in the salt. You’ll want to use a nice, coarse, unprocessed good quality salt. I like Celtic Sea Salt.

    4. Massage the cabbage mixture with your hands until it breaks down and becomes soft (about 5 minutes). This will release the juices of the cabbage.

    5. Add the chopped beetroot and grated ginger to the cabbage mix and massage for another 3 minutes.

    6. Now you are ready to put the completed mixture into your sterilised glass jar. Push the mix firmly into the glass jar but make sure you don’t overfill it, leaving about 2cm at the top. Make sure the mixture is completely submerged. If not, you may need to add some filtered water to top it up.

    7. Place the lid on the jar and set aside in a warm dry place.

    8. Now all you need to do is let it do it’s magic and ferment for around 5 days in summer and 7 days in the cooler months.

    9. You will need to “burp” your sauerkraut daily by removing the lid. In the first few days you should notice some bubbling around the top of the mix. This is completely normal.

    10. Once you are happy with the finished product place it in the fridge. It should last for 2 to 3 months. You can add a tablespoon to your veggies, eggs, meat dishes daily to promote a happy microbiome.

Did you know:

Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi
are a great way to promote and maintain a healthy gut microbiome.