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New Age Terrie


As a professionally qualified natural health practitioner, I use my experience, knowledge and modalities (including naturopathy, kinesiology, iridology, etc) to help people overcome health conditions including gut, hormonal, anxiety, autoimmune issues, stress, digestive, thyroid and much more.

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Are you wanting more energy, better digestion, good mood
and the vitality to live a great life?

Let Terrie create a bespoke wellness plan to honour your body, mind and soul, so you can be confident about your choices and live your best life!

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Terrie Beresford

I am the founder of New Age Naturopathics, a highly regarded natural therapies practice based in Sydney.

It was through my own health crisis whilst working in banking in Tokyo, Japan, that I realised there was more to life than money and that Western medicine was not the answer to a long healthy life.

My Story


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Health Conditions

Health Concerns

Do you suffer from anxiety, chronic fatigue, depression, headaches? Or do you just feel your overall wellness could be improved? Is your health issue amongst the list of conditions that New Age Naturopathics can help you with?



Naturopathy, Iridology, Herbal medicines, Homeopathics, Kinesiology, are just a few of the techniques that are used to create your custom designed "Wellness Plan".

Articles - New Age Naturopathics


To help you honour your mind, body and soul, we have a number of articles full of practical and useful information. Whether you are looking for the latest article, or a specific topic, there will be something of value for you here.

Recipes - New Age Naturopathics


Feeling your best includes making sure that you eat the right things. New Age Naturopathics can supply you with some great recipes that will help you along your wellness journey.


Feeling Overwhelmed, Stressed or Burnt-out?

Do you need to take control of your health?

Then check out this course:


What Others Say About New Age Naturopathics

Lynda Dyer

"Visiting, hearing or reading Terrie’s inspirational and informative information provides people with the tools to implement change in their health and thus their lives.

Terrie is very genuine and brings a lot of realism and practical intuitive thinking to her work. She really connects with everyone. I’m confident that those who apply her advice and knowledge will improve their health and experience like I have. I am happy to recommend her constantly."

Lynda Dyer Msc

Mind Power Global, Certified NLP Trainer & Master Trainer of Matrix Therapies International Best Selling Author



Dr Sherene Suchy

"Terrie Beresford has been a core member of my integrative health team for the last ten years. During that decade, we’ve worked together using herbs, supplements, and naturopathy to maintain a high quality of life following an oncology diagnosis e.g. six months to live. Years later, here we are!

I trust Terrie’s clinical judgment. She bases her practice on multiple qualifications, stays up to date on current advances in the integrative medicine field, and respects the healing power of body-mind-spirit.

I am deeply grateful for Terrie’s valuable contribution to my commitment to living life, not the condition."

Dr. Sherene Suchy (Social Worker)

Author of Bamboozled: Trek Guide to Clients & Experts in Medicine (2018)



Still want further reassurance that New Age Naturpathics can help you?

Check Out the Testimonials



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